The Beginning
I was sitting there in my garden, in 1561, smoking my pipe, watching, observing. We were blinded at first when the colossal black triangular object began to hover over the sun. Others arrived later. The sky’s blue hue was barely visible due to the paralyzing flashes on the entire dome. Villagers were certain that they were getting a celestial punishment because of their apparent sins and doomsday was finally at their door. The occurrence was embroidered into tapestries, burned on wooden plates and illuminated on manuscripts as a day that unidentified demons clashed above blasphemers. The fact is, they were not spaceships battling in the sky or demonic minions visiting from the below. They were organic light beings from another dimension, mating and creating a new beginning for the universe in the presence of their beloved earthlings. It was the creation of life that humans didn’t recognize. They didn’t know. I did. I've been on Earth for a long time, watching, observing, filled with hope. (Tip: Use coffee to darken the borders.. and don't clumsily spill on your work like I did.)